Be aware that the lace colors are always lighter than we think and original (transparent) color is not totally clear. Laces are networks, they cannot carry as much color as solid fabrics. For example, dark brown color on lace looks like medium brown color on fabric. However, when you fold the lace many layers until you no longer can see through the lace, the medium brown color lace will become dark brown color. As for the original (transparent) lace color, there is always a tint on the lace. Do not expect an original (transparent) lace color to be as clear as water.
Some laces are thicker than others, like French lace is thicker than Swiss lace. Same color looks darker on thicker laces. For example, medium brown French lace looks darker than medium brown Swiss lace. So when the lace color is different from what you expect, it does not always means that you receive a wrong product. In fact it does not matter what kinds of lace color you choose. Most often used lace colors are light brown and original (transparent). These two lace colors match most of the skin tone.
French or Swiss lace, which is better?
It is a matter of preference. Swiss lace blends better with the skin for a less visible appearance than French lace. However, Swiss lace is finer, and more fragile, than French lace. French lace is slightly thicker and more durable. Usually Swiss lace is used at the front hairline and crown of the lace wigs, and French lace is used for the rest of the lace wigs. This helps increase durability.
Getting Lace Color to Match your Skin or Scalp?
Some customers want to match the lace color with their scalp complexion not their skin tone. This is because when they part the unit, they want it to appear as their natural scalp color. Most women prefer to get a lace color close to their skin tone, this is the best option if you don't want to experiment with using makeup (concealer) to camouflage the lace, then it's best to select a shade that blends with your skin tone. If you plan to use makeup, then you should select a shade close to, or lighter than, your own. We recommend our customers choose a color to match their skin tone, not scalp tone. Original lace color and original mono color is suitable for most complexions.
Lace Color Choice:
Transparent: for very Light, Cream or Caucasian scalp tones or skin tones. Beige: for Light Beige or Beige scalp tones or skin tones. Light Brown: for Light Brown scalp tones or skin tones. Medium Brown: for Medium Brown scalp tones or skin tones. Dark Brown: for very Dark Brown scalp tones. Black: for very, very dark scalp tones or skin tones. Black lace color matches only color #1 or 1B wig hair color. Most people with dark skin tone prefer the Dark brown. If you’re not sure and/or are in between two lace color choices, it’s best to pick the lighter of the two colors as you can take simple steps later to alter and correct the lace color yourself.
Some laces are thicker than others, like French lace is thicker than Swiss lace. Same color looks darker on thicker laces. For example, medium brown French lace looks darker than medium brown Swiss lace. So when the lace color is different from what you expect, it does not always means that you receive a wrong product. In fact it does not matter what kinds of lace color you choose. Most often used lace colors are light brown and original (transparent). These two lace colors match most of the skin tone.
French or Swiss lace, which is better?
It is a matter of preference. Swiss lace blends better with the skin for a less visible appearance than French lace. However, Swiss lace is finer, and more fragile, than French lace. French lace is slightly thicker and more durable. Usually Swiss lace is used at the front hairline and crown of the lace wigs, and French lace is used for the rest of the lace wigs. This helps increase durability.
Getting Lace Color to Match your Skin or Scalp?
Some customers want to match the lace color with their scalp complexion not their skin tone. This is because when they part the unit, they want it to appear as their natural scalp color. Most women prefer to get a lace color close to their skin tone, this is the best option if you don't want to experiment with using makeup (concealer) to camouflage the lace, then it's best to select a shade that blends with your skin tone. If you plan to use makeup, then you should select a shade close to, or lighter than, your own. We recommend our customers choose a color to match their skin tone, not scalp tone. Original lace color and original mono color is suitable for most complexions.
Lace Color Choice:
Transparent: for very Light, Cream or Caucasian scalp tones or skin tones. Beige: for Light Beige or Beige scalp tones or skin tones. Light Brown: for Light Brown scalp tones or skin tones. Medium Brown: for Medium Brown scalp tones or skin tones. Dark Brown: for very Dark Brown scalp tones. Black: for very, very dark scalp tones or skin tones. Black lace color matches only color #1 or 1B wig hair color. Most people with dark skin tone prefer the Dark brown. If you’re not sure and/or are in between two lace color choices, it’s best to pick the lighter of the two colors as you can take simple steps later to alter and correct the lace color yourself.